Since 2018, there have been 167 school shootings in the US that resulted in injuries or death.1 There were 24 incidents each in 2018 and 2019. The pandemic and remote learning reduced the number of incidents to 10 in 2020. But, 2021 saw an increase to 51. Each time school administrators, law enforcement and politicians are put under pressure by parents and the public to “do something” to solve the problem and protect our children. Rightfully so. Emotions run high and sometimes ignite polarizing debates about gun rights, school safety and a host of other social issues.
Rather than taking positions favoring one side or another in these debates, we chose to create a classroom safety solution based on our expertise in securing door openings and on some basic facts:
- Fire is statistically more than three times likely to happen than an active shooter situation in a school. 2
- An active shooter has never breached a locked classroom door in any recorded school security incident. 3
A Practical, Common Sense Approach
While we believe in a multi-faceted, layered approach to school security, the classroom door is the most obvious choice to focus our attention on as the first and last line of defense. This means that any solution must consider these foundational criteria:

SDC’s lockdown system provides specifically designed classroom security locking functions that allow users to quickly lock the door from either side and meet code requirements for free egress, fire protection and accessibility. It can provide lock status notification and allow authorized access by staff and emergency responders in case someone inside the room intends to cause harm or injury. It is the fastest and safest solution for “lockdown” situations and minimizes the possibility of an exit being blocked during an emergency.
- Audible & Visual Notification of Door Status
- Quickly lock while meeting codes for Fire Life Safety
- Protect students with access for First Responders
- One Lever-Turn and/or Auto Lockdown
- Lockdown Control without Barricades
1 School Shootings This Year: How Many and Where (2023, January 6). Education Week.
Retrieved Month Day, Year from
2 Finding Reasonable Solutions to the Problem of School Safety. April Dalton, Doors
& Hardware, March 2015
3 Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Final Report: