Electrified Locksets
Building and fire life safety code compliant for fire rated office doors, corridor doors, lobby doors, exit doors and stairwell doors.
7200 SeriesSolenoid Controlle
7500 SeriesSolenoid Frame Actuator Controlled Mortise Locks
7600 SeriesMotorized Latch Retraction Controlled Mortise Locks
7700 SeriesMotorized Latch Retraction & Solenoid Controlled Mortise Locks
7800 Pro SeriesSolenoid Controlled Mortise Locks
7800 Mod SeriesSolenoid Controlled Mortise Lock Modifications
SK SeriesSchlage L9000 Mortise Lock Field Electrification Kits
HiTower®, Selectric® and Electra™ locksets provide both the locking and latching features required for fire rated doors to meet security needs and fire life safety code requirements. Whether failsafe or failsecure, controlled access and remote control capability is provided while the door stays latched even when unlocked, maintaining fire door integrity.
Since 1973 SDC has set the standard for security, safety and performance for electric locksets. Thousand of SDC electrified locksets have been installed in buildings dominating city skylines worldwide.